Friday, September 12, 2014

Molly the Brave and Me and CCSS RL2.3

 I was looking on the internet for a great story to use with the common core state standard RL 2.3 Describe how a characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.  I couldn't find anything that specifically addressed this standard.  I looked through all my books and found Molly the Brave and Me by Jane O'Connor.

Freebie on Teachers Pay Teachers

Beth is a second grader that wants to be brave like her friend Molly.  Beth faces several challenges where she has to be brave in order not to appear to be a wimp in front of Molly.  I created this skill sheet for students to use along with the story.  Three major events in the story are identified and the students have to write how Beth responds to each of these challenges.  The next time, I hope to be able to give my second graders a blank organizer and have them identify major events or challenges and then describe how the character responds to those challenges.